
海螺水泥(600585.SH):拟控股收购海螺环保 布局水泥主业相关新兴产业

Anhui Conch Cement (600585.SH): plans to acquire emerging industries related to conch environmental protection layout cement

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 2, 2022 18:40

Anhui Conch Cement (600585.SH) announced that as of the date of disclosure of the announcement, the company directly held and indirectly held 252590500 shares of conch environmental protection shares through Hong Kong, accounting for 13.83% of the total share capital of conch environmental protection, making it the largest shareholder.

In view of the fact that the conch environmental protection cement kiln has a high degree of synergy between the main business of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste and the company's main cement industry, in order to strengthen resource integration and industrial integration, the company intends to hold and acquire conch environmental protection. The company has engaged financial advisers, legal advisers and evaluation agencies to conduct in-depth research, analysis and due diligence on conch environmental protection. After reporting to the relevant departments to complete all necessary examination and approval, filing and registration procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the company plans to continue to increase its holdings of conch environmental protection shares in the secondary market through the choice of conch Hong Kong, in order to consolidate the company's foundation as the largest shareholder of conch environmental protection, and finally realize the control and consolidation of conch environmental protection through the appointment of most of the directors of the conch environmental protection board.

The announcement said that the company's holding acquisition of conch environmental protection conforms to the goal of the national double carbon policy. Anhui Province is currently making every effort to create a comprehensive green transformation area for economic and social development. Conch environmental protection is a leading enterprise in the field of environmental protection in Anhui Province. By giving full play to the industrial synergy of the two sides, combining traditional cement kilns with waste disposal to promote the green transformation of circular economy development, it has good economic and social benefits. Through the acquisition of conch environmental protection and the layout of new industries related to the main cement industry, the company is conducive to the integration of resources, the formation of a joint force for development, and the creation of new industrial growth poles and profit growth points.

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