
中国投资基金公司(00612.HK)完成配售3791.2万股 净筹约1.12亿港元

China Investment Fund Corporation (00612.HK) completed a net placement of 37.912 million shares and raised about HK $112 million

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 2, 2022 17:10

China Investment Fund Corporation (00612.HK) announced that all the conditions of the placement agreement have been reached and the placement has been completed on June 2, 2022. A total of 37.912 million placing shares have been successfully placed by the placing Agent to not less than six Placees at the placing Price of HK $3.05 per placing share in accordance with the terms and conditions of the placing Agreement, which is equivalent to about 2.72% of the issued share capital of the company expanded by the placing and issue of the placing shares immediately following the completion of the placing.

The estimated net proceeds from the placing is about HK $112 million. As an investment company under Chapter 21 of the listing rules, the company intends to use the net proceeds from the placement to invest in listed and unlisted securities as well as working capital.

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