
美盛文化(002699.SZ):股票被实行其他风险警示 停牌一天

Meisheng Culture (002699.SZ): Stock trading suspended for one day due to other risk warnings

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 2, 2022 07:45

Gelonghui June 2nd 丨Meisheng Culture (002699.SZ) announced that trading of the company's shares will be suspended for one day from the opening of the market on June 2, 2022, and trading will resume from the opening of the market on June 6, 2022. Other risk warnings will be implemented for the company's shares after the resumption of trading.

After other risk warnings were implemented for the company's stock, the stock abbreviation changed from “Meisheng Culture” to “ST Meisheng”; the company's stock code remained unchanged, still “002699,” and the daily rise and fall rate of the company's stock was limited to 5%.

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