
A股异动 | 新意网集团(1686.HK)涨4.5% 投行看高公司股价至8.3港元

Changes in A-shares | Xinyiwang Group (1686.HK) rose 4.5%, investment banks were bullish on the company's stock price to HK$8.3

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 1, 2022 14:10
Gelonghui, June 1, 丨 Xinyiwang Group (1686.HK)'s stock price consolidated at a high level. It is now at HK$6.42, an increase of 4.56%, with a total market value of HK$15.012 billion. Morgan Stanley published a research report. It is believed that the stock price of Group will rise within 15 days. The probability of this happening is expected to be over 80%. The rating “increase in holdings” is expected, and the target price is HK$8.3.

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