
S&T HLDGS(03928)发布中期业绩 净亏损283.52万新元 同比减少约61.1%

Spot HLDGS (03928) reports a net loss of S $2.8352 million for interim results, a decrease of about 61.1 per cent year-on-year

Zhitong Finance ·  May 31, 2022 21:20

Zitong Financial App News, spot HLDGS (03928) announced results for the six months ended March 31, 2022, with total income of S $30.7449 million, an increase of about 38.6% over the same period last year; losses and total overall losses for the period of about S $2.8352 million, a decrease of about 61.1% over the same period last year; and basic and diluted losses per share.

The announcement said that the overall increase in earnings was mainly due to the serious interference in the group's construction activities by the phased recovery measures implemented by the Singapore government compared with the same period in the first half of the 2021 fiscal year. In the first half of the 2022 fiscal year, the further relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions and the increase in construction activities led to accelerated progress of construction services. And the investment property rental rate of the Group in the first half of 2022 was higher than that in the first half of 2021, resulting in an increase in investment income.

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