

Zijin Mining Group (02899) signed the Quartet Supervision Agreement on the Storage of Special accounts for raising funds.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 25, 2022 17:35

Zitong Financial App News$Zijin Mining Group (02899.HK) $According to the announcement, in view of the change in the main body of the fund-raising project, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents such as the measures for the Administration of Securities issuance of listed companies and the Management system of funds raised by companies Recently, the company ("Party A") and Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. Shanghang Branch ("Party B"), Anxin Securities Co., Ltd. ("Party C"), Heilongjiang Duobaoshan Copper Co., Ltd. ("Party D") signed a "fund-raising special account storage quadripartite supervision agreement" ("agreement"). There is no significant difference between the aforementioned agreement and the tripartite supervision agreement on the storage of funds raised by the Shanghai Stock Exchange (model).

With the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the approval of the Public issuance of Convertible Bonds by Zijin Mining Group Group Co., Ltd. (Securities Regulatory Commission permission[2020]2613) approved that Zijin Mining Group Group Co., Ltd. publicly issued 6 billion yuan of convertible bonds at face value, and the total amount of funds raised was 6 billion yuan (the same below). After deducting 29.7149 million yuan from issuing expenses (excluding VAT), the net amount actually raised was 5.97 billion yuan. An Yong Hua Ming Accounting firm (Special General Partnership) examined the availability of funds for this issue. and issued the "Zijin Mining Group Group Co., Ltd. publicly issued convertible corporate bonds to raise funds verification report" (an Yong Hua Ming (2020) word verification No. 60468092 _ H01) verification confirmation.

On November 22, 2021, the company held the 12th interim meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors in 2021 and the third interim meeting of the Seventh Supervisory Board in 2021. The meeting examined and adopted the motion on Duobaoshan Copper absorbing and merging Tongshan Mining and changing the main body of part of the fundraising project. It is agreed to take Heilongjiang Duobaoshan Copper Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, as the main body to absorb and merge the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Heilongjiang Tongshan Mining Co., Ltd. ("Tongshan Mining"). The implementing body of the Tongshan Mining Project of Heilongjiang Tongshan Mining Co., Ltd., which is one of the convertible corporate bond raising projects in 2020, will be changed from Tongshan Mining to Duobaoshan Copper. The investment amount, use, implementation location and other plans of the project remain unchanged.

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