

New Oriental Education & Technology Group OK wisdom teaching big screen released, defining a new generation of education big screen for the first time

PR Newswire ·  May 25, 2022 15:40

Beijing, May 25, 2022 / PR Newswire /-- May 24, New Oriental Education & Technology Group Education Technology Group$New Oriental Education & Technology Group-S (09901.HK) $$New Oriental Education & Technology Group (EDU.US) $OK Wisdom Education has released a new generation of education screen-- OK Wisdom Teaching screen. OK Intelligence Education, as a leader in the wisdom education industry, has been insisting on using science and technology to change learning, deeply ploughing AI+ education, and has successively launched multi-generation products such as wisdom learning terminals and wisdom teaching terminals in innovative industries, as well as practical wisdom education solutions.

The OK wisdom teaching big screen released this time, as OK wisdom education for many years of research and development and accumulation of sincerity work, different from the traditional big screen, set arithmetic power blessing, cloud empowerment, platform support, proprietary teaching system in one, and bearing human-computer interaction, intelligent identification, intelligent recommendation and other functions, OK wisdom education response to the national education digital strategy, with the force of digital innovation, help the school information technology in-depth development of the sword again.


OK wisdom teaching big screen press conference scene

Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Education Technology Group, said that in today's digital age, education is making a new leap forward towards the desire to "let hundreds of millions of children share quality education under the blue sky". The big screen of OK wisdom teaching is precisely the new contribution and efforts made by New Oriental Education & Technology Group at the new starting point of education.

The big screen of a new generation of education, so that the future classroom is happening

This year is a key year in the field of education in our country. With the education reform entering the deep water area and the education digitization strategy started, the problems of uneven, insufficient and poor state-regulated courses urgently need to be fundamentally changed. How to promote the education reform and improve the classroom quality with the digitization of education? it has become a realistic problem of current education.

In response, Jia Yunhai, founder of OK Wisdom Education, who has been deeply engaged in the intelligent education industry for many years and serves the whole scene of teaching and learning, said: "if we want to reduce the burden and increase efficiency of education, and expand the scope of universal benefits, we must realize the digitization of knowledge resources and serve all roles and links in education, which is also the primary measure of education digitization. OK is committed to accelerating the digital transformation of education through more normal and more grounded integrated hardware, software and resource services. "

The release of OK Wisdom Teaching screen is the response of OK Wisdom Education to meet the needs of the development of digital education and to change education with AI.


Jia Yunhai, founder of OK Wisdom Education, elaborates on the new generation of education screen.

As a new generation of education big screen, OK intelligent teaching big screen subverts the traditional big screen which is only used for teaching demonstration in the past, relies on cloud computing power, data empowerment and platform support, realizes the digitization of content and learning information, breaks the traditional teaching mode of "teachers talking and students listening", and truly reconstructs the classroom and teaching space, including classroom, teaching and research room and other physical space, as well as the digital space carrying teaching resources.

According to Jia Yunhai, the OK wisdom teaching screen first realizes classroom intelligence interconnection through cloud computing power, bringing a new classroom model that integrates resource management, educational administration management, teaching and research management, and teaching support, bringing every classroom, every teacher, and every student in the region into the resource sharing pool; secondly, through data empowerment, helping the classroom teach students in accordance with their aptitude. The teaching screen is equipped with a special teaching operating system, which integrates data capture, analysis of learning situation, intelligent recommendation and intelligent correction with the help of AI, Internet of things and AR/VR technology. Finally, through comprehensive, open and interconnected platform support, connect teaching, research, management, learning and other applications and terminals, open multi-scene learning data, and create a "teaching, learning, research, evaluation, management" closed-loop chain. "it can be said that the OK intelligent teaching screen is bringing about a comprehensive reconstruction of classroom space, resources, models, management, as well as teaching and learning models."

Big data helped the small scene, let "Screen to screen "is like" face to face "

As a new generation of wisdom teaching screen, how does OK wisdom teaching screen help the actual classroom scene? "large screen is one of the most important information media in classroom teaching interaction. It is not only hardware, but also the core element of 'platform + application + terminal' classroom teaching form." Jia Yunhai said.

At the press conference, OK Wisdom Education Yang Miao, starting from the actual teaching scene, truly presented a big screen of OK Wisdom Teaching how to change the classroom from the teacher's first perspective.

Through the OK wisdom teaching screen, teachers can learn about each child's learning data and behavior data in real time. Teachers all know whether the students will and who will not. The teachers all know that it is no longer "full house and arbitrary" to focus on individual guidance and collective explanation of personality problems. At the same time, OK wisdom teaching large screen is no less than the traditional blackboard writing experience, its blackboard writing function can take into account both high-definition display and smooth experience, AI optimizes teachers' handwriting so that every child can read and understand.


The teacher knows the students' classroom data in real time.

At the moment of the epidemic, how to protect the children who are unable to enter the classroom has become an urgent practical need.

The brand-new OK intelligent teaching screen breaks the limitation of time and space and supports online and offline mixed teaching mode, which can meet synchronous teaching and live broadcast, so that children at home can join the classroom through any mobile terminal with one click. Among them, the OK wisdom teaching screen also brings a super ability that is unique in the industry, which can provide teachers and students with a new learning mode of real participation and strong interaction, such as classroom exercises, not only the children's answers can be synchronized to the big screen, but also teachers' real-time annotations and explanations can be synchronized to the children. The teacher can also understand the learning data of the child at a glance. Moreover, the super interactive ability of OK intelligent teaching screen is not only limited to class interaction, but also enables synchronized classes across classes, campuses and networks, thus bringing high-quality classrooms thousands of miles away to remote mountainous areas, so that hundreds of millions of children can join in real time.


Share quality classrooms across classes, campuses and regions

"read the word with the teacher, dream, with your mouth open wide." "Please come forward and spell the word 'dream''." At the scene of the press conference, in two classrooms thousands of miles apart, teachers and students who had never met before, under the linkage of the OK wisdom teaching screen, a classroom in which teachers and students can communicate with their hearts and face to face is taking place.

"I can understand whether they are listening or not, whether they are following or not." The lecturer, Yang Miao, shared. OK wisdom teaching big screen, break through the traditional long-distance audio-visual transmission, so that one-to-one accurate guidance, real-time acquisition of learning information in the air classroom has also become a reality.

While bringing a brand-new classroom, the big screen of OK wisdom teaching is also changing the management mode and teaching and research mode of the school. Through the big teaching screen, teachers can form an online research community, and school administrators can inspect and supervise classes in real time. Under the guidance of data, the realization of "screen-to-screen" is like "face to face".

Yu Minhong: a big screen of digital education, making greater progress in the balance of education.

Education is public, in order to achieve the world is common to the people. The big screen of OK wisdom teaching realizes not only the dream of a teacher, but also the dream of millions of teachers and children.


Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Education Technology Group, made online sharing.

Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Education Technology Group, said in an online sharing entitled "Educational thinking under the Digital background" that in today's digital age, education is making a new leap forward. Toward the desire to "let hundreds of millions of children share quality education under the blue sky". The big screen of OK wisdom teaching is precisely the new contribution and efforts made by New Oriental Education & Technology Group at the new starting point of education. On the one hand, on the cloud of OK intelligent teaching, the content from New Oriental Education & Technology Group's 30 years of teaching is bringing high-quality shared resources to all teachers and children, including public schools; on the other hand, based on the digital technology of OK intelligent teaching big screen, these resources can be based on teachers' and students' characteristics, and can be matched according to regional distribution and on demand, so that every teacher and every child can really be "seen".

Faced with the new requirements of building a high-quality education system during the 14th five-year Plan period, at a time when the top-level design of educational digitization continues to speed up, it can be said that the arrival of New Oriental Education & Technology Group OK intelligent teaching screen has reshaped the educational model and classroom experience, promoted the return of education to teaching and learning, and broke through regional restrictions, so that different regions can obtain rich and matching educational resources, helping education to make greater strides in fairness.

With the emergence and landing of a new generation of education screen represented by New Oriental Education & Technology Group OK wisdom teaching screen, it can be predicted that a healthier and more dynamic education ecology is being accelerated, and the future education balance will be more substantial, more secure and more sustainable. With the big screen of OK wisdom teaching as the starting point, New Oriental Education & Technology Group OK wisdom education will also set sail again, with the power of digital innovation to accelerate the realization of educational modernization.

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