
港股异动丨内房股下挫 专家指市场信心仍有待恢复 短期内难以大规模提振效应

Hong Kong stock market changes? inner housing stocks fell experts said that market confidence has yet to be restored, it is difficult to boost the effect of large-scale in the short term.

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 24, 2022 15:45
On May 24, Gelonghui, Hejing Pacific fell nearly 7%, time China Holdings fell 6%, China Jinmao and Yuzhou Group fell more than 5%, and Lujing China, COSCO Group and China overseas Acer Group all fell more than 3%.
The media said that this round of new real estate policy presents three new characteristics: first, this round of real estate new policy is no longer simply to stimulate demand for housing, but is combined with local population policy and talent policy; second, this round of housing purchase policy is no longer relatively unified throughout the country. But all localities have more autonomy, and they all take flexible and diverse measures to stabilize the property market according to their own conditions. Third, the regulation and control of first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen and a small number of key second-tier cities in the country have not been significantly relaxed, with the greatest relaxation in third-and fourth-tier cities.
A number of experts and industry insiders said that the biggest problem in the current real estate market is the lack of social confidence, and the current policy adjustment is still not a major positive, but only a local adjustment, which is difficult to produce a large-scale boost effect on the market in the short term. but on the whole, the real estate market has begun to bottom up.

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