
港股异动 | 海丰国际(01308)涨超4%领涨海运股 短期集运需求依旧旺盛 疫后运价存修复补涨空间

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | SITC International Holdings (01308) rose more than 4% and led the short-term consignment demand of maritime stocks to remain strong after the epidemic.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 24, 2022 11:35

Zhitong Financial APP learned that some shipping stocks rose against the market in early trading. As of press time, SITC International Holdings (01308) rose 3.98% to HK $28.75, while Orient Overseas (00316) rose 0.85% to HK $261m. In addition, COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919) rose more than 2% at one point in intraday trading.

Societe Generale Securities said that in the short term, the current demand for collection and transportation is still strong, and freight rates are under periodic pressure in the context of the domestic epidemic. After the overseas epidemic situation has been effectively controlled in the later stage, the supply chain will gradually return to normal, and the current extremely high freight rate level may be difficult to maintain. With the relief of the domestic epidemic situation, there is room for repair and replenishment of freight rates in the collection market. It is suggested that we should pay attention to COSCO Shipping Holdings in foreign trade and SITC International Holdings in Asia.

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