
港股异动︱协鑫科技(03800)涨超5% 正考虑及探讨发行A股的可行性

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Xiexin Technology (03800) is considering and discussing the feasibility of issuing A shares.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 24, 2022 09:50  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

News on May 24th$Xiexin Technology (03800.HK) $It is announced that the Group is considering and exploring the feasibility of issuing common shares traded in RMB and listing them on stock exchanges in the PRC. The board of directors is of the view that the proposed issuance of A-shares will provide different options for the Group to meet its capital needs and accelerate the development of the Group, thereby promoting the sustainable growth of shareholder returns. As of 09:44, it was up 5.68% to quote HK $2.79, with a turnover of 340 million.

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