
麦格理:重申BC科技集团(00863)“跑赢大市”评级 目标价削38%至8港元

Macquarie: Reiterates BC Technology Group's (00863) “Outperform Market” rating target price of 38% to HK$8

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23, 2022 11:30

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Macquarie released a research report stating that it reiterated BC Technology Group's (00863) “outperform the market” rating, mainly due to lower transaction value and higher cost of equity, the target price was 38% to HK$8. The company and Standard Chartered Group (02888) set up a joint venture to add more SaaS customers. It is expected that related revenue will double year-on-year in 2022. The adjusted EBITDA rate may rise from -42.9% in 2022 to 1.5%/20.5% in 2023/24.

According to the report, the recent weakness in the company's stock price was due to the sharp rise in LUNA currency, which also involved shareholders, etc., while management claimed that the impact of the incident was minimal. The bank said that although the incident affected individual investment sentiment, institutional investment can be seen to rise, and the usage rate of digital assets continues to rise. The company's role as a licensed broker is well positioned in this trend.

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