
港股异动 | 中远海控(01919)涨近4% 控股股东拟以15亿元-30亿元增持公司A股和H股

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919) rose nearly 4%. The controlling shareholder intends to increase the company's A shares and H shares with 1.5 billion-3 billion yuan.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23, 2022 09:45  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

COSCO Shipping Holdings's (01919) AH shares rose nearly 4% in early trading, as of press time.$COSCO Shipping Holdings (601919.SH) $Increase by more than 3%$COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919.HK) $It rose 2.75% to HK $13.48, with a turnover of HK $143 million.

In the news, COSCO Shipping Holdings announced that COSCO Shipping Group, the controlling shareholder, increased its A-share holdings by 500000 shares on May 20, and increased its H-share holdings by a cumulative total of 3.0255 million shares from May 19 to May 20. In addition, the controlling shareholder COSCO Shipping Group or its wholly-owned subsidiary intends to increase its holdings of A shares and H shares within 12 months from the date of this increase, with a total amount of not less than 1.5 billion yuan and no more than 3 billion yuan.

Related readings:Company announcement

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