
港股异动 | 烟草概念普涨 全国 “电子烟零售许可证” 正式发布

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | the rise in the concept of Tobacco the National "Electronic cigarette Retail license" has been officially released

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 20, 2022 10:04
Gronghui 20 May | the concept of tobacco rose, with Huabao International up 8%, Smoore International Holdings Limited 6%, BYD Electronic 2%, China Tobacco Hong Kong 1%, and China Bolton followed. According to the news on May 19th, 25 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous regions and separately listed cities across the country have announced the number of e-cigarette retail licenses in their region. As of 20:00 in the afternoon on May 18, Jiangsu ranked first with a total of 5057 licenses. Henan ranked second with 3532 licenses, Zhejiang ranked third with 3428 licenses, Sichuan ranked fourth with 3188, Hebei ranked fifth with 2213, Qinghai ranked last, with a total of 39553.

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