
美股异动 | Lucid涨9% 沙特工厂得到34亿美元的奖励和融资支持

Changes in US stocks | Lucid rises 9 per cent Saudi factories receive $3.4 billion in incentives and financing support

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 19, 2022 23:15
On May 19th, Lucid (LCDX.US) rose 9.48% to US $19, with a total market capitalization of US $31.7 billion. On the news, Lucid recently held a successful signing event, and the signing of these agreements marks its future large-scale production of electric vehicles in Saudi Arabia. The agreement is expected to provide Lucid with a total of $3.4 billion in financing and incentives over the next 15 years to help the electric carmaker build and operate a manufacturing plant in Saudi Arabia. Currently, the company is promoting the construction of an AMP-2 production plant in Saudi Arabia, with a target capacity of 155000 electric vehicles.

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