
港股异动 | 农业股逆势走强 今年乌粮食产量可能下降50%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Agricultural stocks bucked the trend and strengthened, and grain production in Ukraine may fall 50% this year

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 19, 2022 14:43
Gelonghui, May 19 丨 China's starch surged 9%, Bishengyuan (new) rose 3%, and Dacheng Sugar rose more than 1%.
Ukraine's Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food said that Ukraine's grain production is likely to drop by 50% this year, and the planting of wintering crops will also be seriously affected. The international community should be prepared to increase the price per ton of wheat from the current $430 to $700. According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict puts the food security of many countries at risk.

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