
港股异动 | 合景泰富(01813)涨超5%领涨内房股 5月已有超过40个城市发布稳楼市相关政策

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Hexing Pacific (01813) rose more than 5%, leading internal housing stocks up. More than 40 cities have issued policies to stabilize the property market in May.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 18, 2022 13:47

Zhitong Financial APP learned that some inner housing stocks rose in the afternoon. As of press time, Hexing Pacific (01813) rose 5.69% to HK $2.60; Green King China property (00095) rose 4.65% to HK $0.90; Agile Group (03383) rose 3.33% to HK $3.41; R & F Group (02777) rose 2.92% to HK $2.82.

On the news side, since May, more than 40 cities have issued policies to stabilize the property market, including hot cities such as Haikou, Chengdu and Hangzhou. Industry insiders said that the introduction of the policy of stabilizing the property market has sent a positive signal and is conducive to the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

CITIC believes that real estate is closely linked forward and backward, and combined with international experience and the trends of new citizens living comfortably, having more children, and aging buildings, it is expected that the average annual housing demand for the 14th five-year Plan will remain more than 1.4 billion flat. It is expected that the government will continue to loosen control reasonably and introduce incremental innovation policies such as linking people to land, the same right for rent and purchase, and housing renewal and upgrading.

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