
港股异动 | BC科技集团(00863)回落逾14% 旗下OSL平台与金融基础设施供应商BSO达成战略伙伴关系

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | BC Technology Group (00863) fell more than 14% and its OSL platform reached a strategic partnership with financial infrastructure provider BSO

Zhitong Finance ·  May 18, 2022 10:43

The Zhitong Finance App learned that BC Technology Group (00863) surged more than 56% yesterday and fell more than 14% in early trading today. As of press release, it fell 12.3% to HK$4.35, with a turnover of HK$3,036,600.

According to the news, the OSL Platform, a subsidiary of BC Technology Group, recently announced that the financial infrastructure connectivity provider BSO will become a low-latency connection provider for OSL institutional exchanges.

According to reports, in December 2020, OSL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BC Technology Group, obtained a license to operate a virtual asset trading platform from the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission and can engage in regulated virtual asset brokerage and automated trading services in Hong Kong. It is currently the only licensed digital asset broker in Hong Kong. It is worth noting that the OSL platform is not well known within the digital asset or coin community.

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