
港股异动 | 上海复旦(01385)升7%领跑半导体板块 机构指交期指标显示行业供给依然紧张

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Shanghai Fudan (01385) leads the semiconductor sector by 7%. The delivery index shows that the supply of the industry is still tight.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 17, 2022 13:42  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

On May 17, the semiconductor sector rebounded collectively within the day.Shanghai Fudan (01385.HK) $$Hua Hong Semiconductor (01347.HK) $At the top of the list of increases. The agency said that the delivery cycle of all kinds of 22Q2 chips is generally more than 12 weeks, and the supply of the industry is still tight. At the same time, the current plate has reflected pessimistic expectations. As of press time, Shanghai Fudan (01385) rose 6.93% to HK $26.25; Hua Hong Semiconductor (01347) rose 6.45% to HK $28.90; Crystal Gate Semiconductor (02878) rose 3.92% to HK $0.53; ASM Pacific (00522) rose 2.85% to HK $77.70; Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981) rose 1.92% to HK $15.94.

Zhongtai Securities said in a follow-up report on May 15 that by observing the delivery indicators, it can be seen that the industry supply is still tight. The delivery cycle of all kinds of 22Q2 chips is generally more than 12 weeks, and the relative 22Q1 continues to extend the trend, at the same time the price also shows a general upward trend. China and Thailand believe that domestic substitution in 2022 is expected to continue in-depth interpretation, and the performance of related companies is expected to show a trend of low before and high after.

Caixin Securities said in its latest monthly report on the semiconductor industry that the semiconductor sector has reflected pessimistic expectations. Since the beginning of this year, the semiconductor industry has experienced a round of deep adjustment, with the market worried that demand for consumer products such as PC/ mobile phones will decline in 2022, while sales of new energy vehicles as an increment are affected by costs and the supply chain, while foundry production capacity is difficult to have large-scale increments in the first half of the year, and the price increase for IC design companies will constitute transfer pressure; concerns about the industry's periodicity deepen, and stock prices react ahead of performance.

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