
港股异动 | 联合能源(0467.HK)涨超7%创2个半月新高 北水持续加仓

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | United Energy (0467.HK) rose more than 7% to hit a new high of 2 and a half months, Beishui continued to increase positions

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 17, 2022 11:43  · Movers

Source: Gelonghui

News on May 17th,$United Energy Group (00467.HK) $It rose 7.69% to HK$1.12, a two-and-a-half-month high, with a total market capitalization of HK$29.4 billion.

Yesterday, Southbound Capital increased its holdings of United Energy Group by 1.51 million shares, increasing its holdings for 3 consecutive days. Currently, Hong Kong Stock Connect holds a total of 136.204 million of its shares, accounting for 0.50% of outstanding shares. Furthermore, the company was included in the MSCI Hong Kong Small Index, and the changes will take effect after the market closes on May 31.

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