
港股异动 | 中国淀粉(03838)午后涨超13% 玉米价格或维持高位 玉米淀粉价格随之回升

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Starch (03838) rose more than 13% in the afternoon, corn prices or the price of corn starch, which remained high, rebounded

Zhitong Finance ·  May 16, 2022 14:52

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China Starch (03838) once rose more than 13% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 9.95% to HK$0.221, with a turnover of HK$8.6045 million.

According to the news, China Gold recently stated that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has heightened expectations of a shortage of global corn supply. Although domestic corn is less dependent on the outside world, there are also expectations that domestic corn production will be cut under the influence of policies to expand soybeans and oil crops, and global corn prices may remain high. According to the Business Agency's monitoring, starting in May, domestic corn market prices continued to run high and strong, and raw material costs continued to rise, which led to a slight recovery in the domestic cornstarch market price. According to reports, Chinese starch is mainly engaged in corn starch and its related by-products, downstream products of corn fermentation such as lysine, starch sugar, etc.

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