
港股异动丨农业股走强 印度临时禁止小麦出口 七国集团预警粮食安全问题

Changes in Hong Kong stocks: agricultural stocks strengthen, India temporarily bans wheat exports G7 warns of food security issues

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16, 2022 13:57
Glonhui May 16: China's starch surged 10.45%, and Dacheng Biochemical Technology soared nearly 32%. India's General Administration of Foreign Trade issued a notice on the 13th imposing a temporary ban on Indian wheat exports, with immediate effect. The announcement stated that the rise in international food prices has threatened the food security of India and neighboring countries. G7 agriculture ministers met in Stuttgart, Germany from 13th to 14th to discuss global food security issues caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The conference said that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict may have serious consequences for world food security, and restrictions on Ukrainian grain exports have further exacerbated the global food tension situation.

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