
福晟国际(0627.HK)半日收涨100% 或获顺安2000万美元投资

Fusheng International (0627.HK) closed up 100% in half a day or received an investment of 20 million US dollars from Shunan

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16, 2022 12:12
Glonghui, May 16, 丨 Fusheng International (0627.HK) rose 200% to HK$0.03 at the beginning of the session, closing 100% to HK$0.02 on the half-day. However, the transaction was light. It traded only HK$10.85 million in half a day, with a recent market capitalization of HK$227 million. According to the news, the company announced that it has signed terms with a potential investor and independent third party, Shunan Group. Potential investors plan to use 20 million US dollars to subscribe for 90% of the shares in the expanded share capital and implement creditor plans.

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