
阿里巴巴(9988.HK)盘初一度涨近5% 一季度获桥水加仓

Alibaba (9988.HK) rose nearly 5% at the beginning of the session and was increased by Qiaoshui in the first quarter

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16, 2022 11:38
At the time of the overall decline in Hong Kong stocks on May 16, Alibaba (9988HK) bucked the trend and strengthened. At the beginning of the session, it rose nearly 5% to HK$86.25, but now the increase has narrowed to less than 2%. According to the news, institutional investors' disclosure of the US stock holdings report at the end of the first quarter is coming to an end. Among them, the world's largest hedge fund, Qiaoshui, raised 3.22,200 shares to Alibaba in the first quarter, reaching a margin of 75%..

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