
港股异动 | 乳业股普涨 券商指乳制品消费需求稳健

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | the general rise in dairy stocks means that the consumer demand for dairy products is robust.

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 13, 2022 11:38
On May 13th, Gelong Exchange rose about 7%, the original ecological animal husbandry rose by more than 4%, modern animal husbandry rose 2.8%, and China Mengniu Dairy and China Feihe Limited all increased. Haitong International report said that the dairy industry has developed steadily in 2021, and the prosperity is still strong in 2022. Leading enterprises have effectively controlled the pressure of rising raw materials. At the same time, the expense rate has declined steadily, and the profitability of the industry will improve steadily. The bank continues to recommend the entire dairy sector, individual stocks suggest to pay attention to China Feihe Limited, China Mengniu Dairy, Aoyou and so on.
It is worth noting that Fonterra, the world's largest dairy exporter, recently lowered its purchase price forecast for New Zealand dairy farmers because of weak global demand.

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