

Dongyuan Renzhi Service (02352.HK) was awarded 114200 shares by Guotai Junan

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 12, 2022 06:43

Gronghui APP was informed that, according to the latest equity disclosure information of the Stock Exchange, on May 6, 2022, Toshihara Renji Services (02352.HK) received an increase of 114200 shares by Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd at an average price of HK $11.4227 per share, involving a capital of about HK $1.3045 million.

After the increase, Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd's latest number of long positions is 6.3568 million shares, and the proportion of long positions increases from 37.45% to 38.14%.

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