
港股异动︱中广核新能源(01811)涨超5% 前4个月累计完成发电量6210.1吉瓦时

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | CGN New Energy (01811) completed 6210.1 gigawatt-hours of electricity generation in 4 months before it rose by more than 5%.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 11, 2022 15:02

Zhitong Financial APP learned that CGN New Energy (01811) announced that in April 2022, the company and its subsidiaries (the group) had completed 1630.7 gigawatt hours of electricity generation according to the consolidated statement, an increase of 0.6 per cent over the same period in 2021. Of this total, China's wind power projects increased by 46.7%, China's solar energy projects increased by 18.8%, China's cogeneration and gas projects decreased by 41.9%, China's hydropower projects decreased by 33.6%, and South Korean projects decreased by 38.8%. As of 14:39, it was up 5.02% to quote HK $3.35, with a turnover of 47.4295 million.

In the four months ended April 30, 2022, the group completed a total of 6210.1 gigawatt hours of electricity this year, an increase of 1.0% over the same period in 2021. Of this total, China's wind power projects increased by 22.3 percent, China's solar energy projects increased by 7.3 percent, China's cogeneration and gas projects decreased by 46.0 percent, China's hydropower projects decreased by 6.2 percent, and South Korean projects decreased by 16.3 percent.

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