
富途研选 | 生鲜电商崛起背后,冷链物流迎来风口

Futu Research | Behind the rise of fresh e-commerce, cold chain logistics has ushered in the spotlight

富途资讯 ·  Aug 10, 2018 18:22

Carefully compiled from the measured capital: "Cold chain logistics is the real tuyere, the layout of the industry is at the right time.""

Editor's note: cold chain logistics refers to the logistics system in order to maintain the quality of refrigerated goods and keep them in the prescribed low temperature environment from production to consumption.

1. Multiple factors promote the development of cold chain logistics industry.

With the change of food consumption structure brought about by the improvement of residents' income level and urbanization, the change of the lifestyle of the younger generation, the increasing attention of the whole society to food and drug safety, and the requirements of food processing and circulation enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, the development of fresh e-commerce and the introduction of policies and regulations have promoted the development of the cold chain logistics industry.


The national demand for perishable foods such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products is gradually increasing, while the demand for non-perishable foods such as grain, oil and sugar is decreasing.


The "investigation report on the Application of fresh turnover baskets in China Retail Industry" released by China Merchants Lukai and China chain Management Association pointed out that the loss rate of fresh fruits and vegetables in China is as high as 2030%, which is much higher than 1.7% and 5% in developed countries.


The transaction volume of fresh e-commerce was 12.67 billion yuan in 2013 and increased to 139.13 billion yuan in 2017, with an annual compound growth rate of more than 100% and developing rapidly. As cold chain logistics is a key link in the development of fresh e-commerce, the development of fresh e-commerce is bound to effectively promote the development of cold chain logistics, especially fresh house distribution.

2. Upstream, middle and downstream industrial chains: different competition patterns

The industrial chain of China's cold chain logistics industry can be divided into upstream material, equipment and technology suppliers, middle reaches cold chain logistics enterprises and departments, and downstream customers in fresh, pharmaceutical, chemical and other fields.


Most of the materials, equipment and technologies upstream are in a state of full competition, such as steel, cement, thermal insulation materials, etc., but high-end refrigerants and compressors are still in the hands of a few foreign players and are in the process of import substitution.

Downstream fresh, pharmaceutical, chemical and other fields of customer participation is numerous, the competition is also relatively sufficient.


Choose Yonghui supermarket, a well-known supermarket chain, as the industry representative. It can be seen that its revenue growth rate is at a high level, and its gross profit margin is also increasing.

Although outstanding representatives have emerged in the middle reaches, as the industry is still in the early stage of development, the market share of each enterprise is still relatively small, and the competition pattern has not been finally determined. On the whole, the upstream, middle and lower reaches of the cold chain logistics industry have different competition patterns.

3. Cold chain logistics industry is a rare development outlet in China.

  • China is not only a big country of fresh food and medicine in the world, but also the most populous country in the world. the huge market means the great development potential of the cold chain logistics industry.

  • The development speed of cold chain logistics is higher than that of traditional logistics.

  • Sysco with a market capitalization of 35 billion US dollars has been born in the United States, and the size of China's cold chain logistics market is nearly twice that of the United States. The US cold chain market is close to saturation, while China is just in its infancy. China's traditional logistics enterprises have been born Shunfeng, "four links to reach" logistics giants, cold chain logistics enterprises will certainly be born new giants.


4. About the future development trend

  • With the entry of traditional logistics enterprises, Internet giants, listed companies, foreign-funded enterprises and other giants, the competition in the industry will be more fierce. With the addition of giants, on the one hand, it can lead the industry to develop in a more standardized direction, and on the other hand, it can bring about the improvement of market concentration.

  • As the professional third-party cold chain is the result of social professional division of labor, in line with the trend of social development, it will be a strong development.

  • Information, automation and intelligence have become the development trend of the whole logistics industry and the whole society, and the cold chain logistics industry is no exception.

Risk factors.

Market demand is scattered, circulation links are too many, homogenization is serious, disorderly competition, industry standards are not perfect and not well implemented.

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