
大行评级 | 里昂:予雅生活服务(3319.HK)跑赢大市评级 目标价降至12.5港元

Big Bank rating | Lyon: 3319.HK outperforms the market and the target price is reduced to HK $12.50.

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 11, 2022 11:03
According to a research report published by Gloria on May 11, 3319.HK management revealed that the target three-year non-cyclical business income and net profit compound annual growth rate of more than 25% and 20%, respectively. However, in view of the difficulties and uncertainties of the developers, no further targets have been set for the value-added services business. The bank pointed out that the impact of the epidemic on Ya's life is manageable, dragging down its net profit this year by only 1 to 2 percentage points. In view of the low valuation, the company was rated "outperform" and the target price was reduced from HK $14.3 to HK $12.50 to reflect more prudent business guidelines.

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