
港股异动 | 新锐医药(06108)早盘曾涨46% 午后转跌超30% 全天振幅近77%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Xinrui Pharmaceuticals (06108) rose 46% in early trading and turned down more than 30% in the afternoon.

Zhitong Finance ·  May 10, 2022 15:18  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

News on May 10th$cutting-edge Medicine (06108.HK) $After rising more than 46 per cent in morning trading, share prices fluctuated sharply, falling more than 30 per cent in the afternoon and more than 77 per cent throughout the day. As of press time, it fell 28.57% to HK $0.90, with a turnover of HK $1.178 billion.

Zhitong Finance previously pointed out that the sharp rise in the company's performance was mainly due to factors such as the sharp increase in the company's performance and getting rid of the negative impact of the acquisition a few years ago, "Zhitong Finance said in the previous" 10-day surge of 600%, starting with the resumption of trading of Xinrui Pharmaceutical (06108). " However, from the perspective of fundamentals, the future prospects of pharmaceutical distributors are not optimistic, and the room for growth is limited.

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