
港股异动 | 新锐医药(06108)交易活跃 股价飙升逾45% 近三日累涨超160%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Emerging Pharmaceuticals (06108) actively traded, stock prices soared more than 45% in the past three days, up more than 160% in the past three days

Zhitong Finance ·  May 10, 2022 10:53  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance

News on May 10,$Emerging Pharmaceuticals (06108.HK) $It has continued to be active recently, rising more than 45% in early trading and over 160% in the past three days. As of press release, it rose 46.03% to HK$184, with a turnover of HK$183 million.

According to the news, the annual results of Emerging Pharmaceuticals show that in 2021, Emerging Pharmaceuticals achieved a year-on-year increase in revenue of about HK$335 million to about HK$335 million, with a loss of about 2.82 million yuan, a year-on-year contraction of about 96%. The company emphasized that the increase in sales of second-generation cephalosporin products was the main reason for the sharp increase in revenue.

Zhitong Finance previously pointed out in “10 Days Surge 600%, Everything Starts with the Resumption of Trading of Emerging Pharmaceuticals (06108)” that the sharp rise in emerging pharmaceuticals was mainly due to factors such as a sharp increase in the company's performance and getting rid of the negative impact of the takeover case a few years ago. However, from a fundamental point of view, the future prospects of the pharmaceutical distributor industry are not optimistic, and there is limited room for growth.

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