
苹果大变局!iPhone第三方App Store来了?

Apple has changed a lot! Is the iPhone third-party App Store here?

IT之家 ·  May 8, 2022 09:07

Source: home of IT

Because Apple Inc is under pressure to open up iPhone to third-party App Store providers, one has been helping users side-load applications since 2019, according to Apple Insider.AltStoreIt may help Apple Inc to solve the relevant legal problems on the side.


Apple Inc has always insisted and made it clear that side loading brings malware risks, and it will amend the law toAllow unauthorized applications to run on iPhone.

However, developer Riley Testut has been using one of Apple Inc's own tools to allow users to install applications from outside the App Store dominated by Apple Inc.

According to Fast Company, AltStore has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times since its launch in 2019.

It is reported that it has every monthMore than 300000 active usersOf which nearly 6000 contributed to Testut's Patreon and paid more than $14500 for his full-time service.

After installation, AltStore allows users to add applications made by Testut. Users can also add any application they can find anywhere, as long as it uses the .ipa format.

Social media app versions with ads removed are reported to be popular, as are classic game simulators.

AltStore takes advantage of the fact that Apple Inc's Xcode development platform allows users to load the applications they are developing directly into their own iPhone.

"when Apple Inc announced [2015 features], I thought,'Oh, so there are some ways to install applications on iOS, just use Apple ID,'," Testut said. "from there I expanded it into a complete solution. "

The complete solution is not simple. It requires the user to install a Mac or PC application named AltServer, and then the AltStore security signs the application to make it appear to be created by the user.

Applications can be installed only if iPhone and Mac or PC are on the same Wi-Fi network and are running AltServer. Only three such applications can be installed at any one time, one of which is the mandatory AltStore.

You can swap out the application, but there are limitations. Any userYou can only side-load up to 10 applications a week.And FastCompany says that every application installed must be "refreshed" by connecting to AltServer once a week.

It can be confirmed that it can work properly and proceed in the way advertised. However, it can be picky to install AltServer and applications through it.

Testut may not be able to bypass these and other Apple Inc restrictions, but he plans to create a security system to ensure that side-mounted applications are harmless.

"There is a great risk in the side load."Testut continued. "because this is a tool that people use, we have a responsibility to make sure that we do everything we can to prevent accidentally screwing up. "

So, perhaps ironically, Testut agrees with Apple Inc about side loading, or at least on a large scale. He disagreed with the proposed legislation that might allow any consumer to download any application without any protection.

"actually, we don't like it," he told Fast Company. "We really think they are too broad and they have a serious impact on consumer privacy. "

But Testut does believe it.Everyone should have the right to side load if they want.. He believes that the application industry needs this freedom.

"Apple Inc took an approach to App Store. They only approved what they had imagined," he said. "so Apple Inc would reject anything that crossed the line. "

"We need a way for the application to exist beyond boundaries, and then people will see it and want it to appear in App Store," he continued.

"there are no cool, interesting applications. We want to see more small, weird and interesting applications in AltStore. "

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