
港股异动︱微创机器人-B(02252)涨超4% Mona Lisa前列腺穿刺机器人完成多中心注册临床试验入组

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Minimally Invasive Robot-B (02252) rose more than 4% Mona Lisa's prostate puncture robot completed multi-center registration clinical trial enrollment

Zhitong Finance ·  May 6, 2022 14:02

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Minimally Invasive Robot-B (02252) announced that the Mona Lisa Prostate Piercing Robot Positioning System (Mona Lisa), a product belonging to Shanghai Jiaihang Robotics Co., Ltd. (Minimally Invasive Robotics), a joint venture established by the company and Biobot Vehicles Pte.Ltd. (Minimally Invasive Aerial Robotics) in China, has completed all registered clinical trials. As of 13:34, it had increased by 4.04%, the price was HK$257, and the turnover was 4,8076 million.

According to reports, the Gulou Hospital affiliated to Nanjing University School of Medicine is the team leader in this registered clinical trial, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University and the Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital participated in the research. Mona Lisa runs stably during surgery, is safe to operate, and has a smooth process. It has obvious advantages over traditional surgical manual puncture methods in terms of surgical safety, learning curve, and puncture detection rate, and has great clinical value.

Mona Lisa is an innovative robotic product that the company lays out on the percutaneous puncture track to help doctors perform prostate biopsies more safely, accurately, intelligently, and efficiently. Relying on surgical robots and artificial intelligence technology, Mona Lisa can formulate plans through smart software to assist clinicians to better complete various operations. Not only did it demonstrate 3D visualization MRI-ultrasound fusion technology, but its motion compensation and needle offset position compensation technology further improved the accuracy of puncture surgery, reduced the number of missed diagnoses, reduced the number of wounds, and reduced patient pain.

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