
港股异动 | 新锐医药(06108)逆市大涨50% 个人股东温晓东成近期股价异动推手

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Emerging Pharmaceuticals (06108) bucked the market and surged 50%, individual shareholder Wen Xiaodong became the driving force behind recent stock price changes

Zhitong Finance ·  May 6, 2022 11:03  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

May 6 news, hot small-cap stocks$cutting-edge Medicine (06108.HK) $It was active against the market in early trading, rising as high as about 50%. In the middle and late last month, Xinrui Pharmaceuticals rose tenfold in the short term, while from April 25 to this week saw a deep adjustment, with shares down 70% from their highs. During the change period, Xinrui Pharmaceutical was deeply involved by individual shareholder Wen Xiaodong and became the driver of recent stock price fluctuations. As of press time, Xinrui Pharmaceutical rose 45.57% to HK $1.15, with a turnover of HK $45 million.

On March 28, Wen Xiaodong bought nearly 43 million shares and increased his stake to 97 million shares to 5.77%, crossing the disclosure red line, according to the Stock Exchange. Since then, for 7 consecutive days from April 4, Wen Xiaodong continued to increase his holdings and soared to 18.23%. During this period, Xinrui Pharmaceutical started to rise, with a cumulative increase of 1.96 times. On April 14, Wen Xiaodong bought and sold at the same time, and his position was slightly reduced to 17.82%. From April 19 to 22, Wen Xiaodong bought for four consecutive days, and the maximum position increased to 29.17%. These days, it is also the most exciting part of the rising market of Xinrui Medicine, which soared by 5.4 times during this period.

On April 25th, Xinrui Pharmaceuticals began a pullback, which fell by 69.6% to May 4. During the market pullback, Wen Xiaodong reduced his position slightly on April 25 and May 3, with his stake falling from 29.17% to 27.92%.

Prior to this, Zhitong Finance published an article that "soared by 600% in 10 days, and it all started with the resumption of trading of Xinrui Pharmaceutical (06108)." it said that fundamentally, the future industry prospects of pharmaceutical distributors are not optimistic, and the growth space of Xinrui Pharmaceutical is limited.

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