
港股异动 | 电影概念股集体下跌 稻草熊娱乐跌近5%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Movie concept stocks collectively fell, and Straw Bear Entertainment fell nearly 5%

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 5, 2022 16:04
Glonghui, May 5, 丨 Movie concept stocks fell collectively, with Alibaba Pictures falling 7%, Straw Bear Entertainment falling nearly 5%, and IMAX China falling 1.4%. According to lighthouse data, the total box office of the May 1st stage (4.30-5.4) in 2022 was 297 million yuan, the total number of people in the schedule was 8.658 million, and the total number of shows in the schedule was 1,441 million. Judging from the box office, this figure hit a new low for all calendar years other than 2020 (when theaters were not in business), and was even worse than the 2014 box office (the box office for that year was 375 million yuan). Last year, May 1st grossed 1,674 million yuan.

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