
港股异动 | 稀美资源(09936)续升30% 多只小盘股继续回弹修复

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Scarce Resources (09936) continues to rise 30%, and more than small-cap stocks continue to rebound and recover

Zhitong Finance ·  May 3, 2022 12:02

The Zhitong Finance App learned that in early trading, small-cap stocks such as Ximei Resources (09936) and Suoxinda Holdings (03680) continued to rebound. At the end of April 27, many small-cap stocks collapsed, and Ximei Resources, Suoxinda Holdings, etc. all closed down about 80%, reaching new lows since listing. As of press release, Ximei Resources (09936) rose 30.96% to HK$3.68; Suoxinda Holdings (03680) rose 11.86% to HK$2.17; and Jiansheng Logistics China (01529) rose 11.38% to HK$0.137.

According to the announcement of Suoxinda Holdings (03680), the company's executive director Chen Zhenping had purchased 600,000 shares of the company through on-market transactions on the day of the crash.

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