
光正教育(06068.HK)公布中期业绩 余下业务净利润增长4622.4%至5470万元

Guangzheng Education (06068.HK) announces interim results, net profit of remaining business increased by 4622.4% to 54.7 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Apr 29, 2022 21:58

Guang Guangzheng Education (06068.HK) announced on April 29 that for the six months ended February 28, 2022, the company's remaining business income was 116 million yuan (the same as below), an increase of 97.3% over the same period last year; the net profit of the remaining business was 54.7 million yuan, an increase of 4622.4% over the same period last year; and the core net profit generated by the remaining business was 52.23 million yuan, up 124.3% from the same period last year.

The growth in the remaining business revenue is mainly due to the significant increase in the number of activities held by the company during the 2022 winter vacation.

With years of experience in supply chain management, the Group is committed to expanding the school-related supply chain business in the second half of the financial year ending August 31, 2022, and expanding the company's product supply through the company's wholly-owned subsidiary registered in Qingyuan, China.

In the future, the Group aims to fully integrate resources and create an education service platform. Specific services include the provision of online education and learning products and services, comprehensive education management services, catering management, supply of student supplies and teaching equipment, school decoration design, staff training and labor outsourcing services, school property management of third-party schools, etc.

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