
大摩:予新高教集团(02001)“增持”评级 目标价3.2港元

Daimo: Target price of HK$3.2 for the “increase in holdings” rating for New Higher Education Group (02001)

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 29, 2022 16:18

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Daimo released a research report saying that according to the “increase in holdings” rating of the new Higher Education Group (02001), revenue increased 32% year over year to 1.04 billion yuan. Expectations were slightly higher. Net profit margin fell 4% to 33% year on year, which is generally in line with expectations, with a target price of HK$3.2.

The bank said that the company maintained a 15% year-on-year increase in profit this fiscal year and a compound annual growth rate of 15% for the next three years, mainly driven by tuition fees, and appreciated the company's higher dividend rate than its peers.

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