
力高健康生活(02370):稳定价格期间结束 超额配股权失效

Ligo healthy Life (02370): end of over-allotment option failure during the period of price stabilization

智通財經 ·  Apr 25, 2022 07:37

Zhitong Financial APP News, Rico Health Life (02370) announced that the stable price period for the global offering ended on April 24, 2022 (that is, the 30th day after the deadline for submitting applications for Hong Kong public offerings).

As there is no over-allotment of the shares on the international offer, therefore, the sole representative (for himself and on behalf of the underwriter) will not exercise the over-allotment option and the price stabilization operator or any person acting for him has not carried out any stable price action in relation to the global offer during the period of price stabilization.

The over-allotment option will expire on April 24, 2022, that is, the 30th day after the deadline for submitting applications for the Hong Kong public offering. Therefore, no shares are issued or will be issued under the over-allotment option.

The directors confirm that the company will continue to comply with the public shareholding requirement under rule 8.08 (1) (a) of the listing rules, that is, at all times, at least 25% of the total number of shares issued by the company must be held by the public.

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