

MIG International Holdings (01247) intends to discount about 9.38% of the rights issue with a maximum net raise of about HK $13.5 million.

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 22, 2022 20:48

Zhitong Financial App News, MIG International Holdings (01247) announced that on April 22, 2022, the company plans to place up to 23.616 million placing shares through placing agents, accounting for about 16.67% of the enlarged share capital, with a placing price of HK $0.58 per share, a discount of about 9.38% compared with the closing price of HK $0.64 per share on April 22nd, 2022.

Assuming that the maximum number of 23.616 million placing shares has been placed, the net raised is about HK $13.5 million, which will be used for the general working capital of the Group.

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