

A table shows a list of shares that have benefited from the social isolation measures in Hong Kong

即市頭條 ·  Apr 24, 2022 10:42

According to the DBS report, starting from today, some social isolation measures in Hong Kong are expected to become the focus of the market in the short term. It is believed that restaurants, retailers and non-essential consumption will benefit, and a list of shares that will benefit from social isolation in Hong Kong:

Shares marked with │ (HK $)

01299.HK │ 127RMB

Hong Kong (02388.HK) │ 32 yuan

(00341.HK) │ 15.50 yuan

00293.HK │ 6.8RMB

00116.HK │ 19.3 yuan

00778.HK │ 8.9RMB

Hong Kong 06823.HK │ $13.3

Communicate with Hong Kong (00215.HK) │ 1.1RMB

00014.HK │ 32.2 yuan

Lifu International (01212.HK) │ 7.1RMB

│ 82 yuan for 00823.HK

00590.HK │ 30 yuan

00178.HK │ 1.90 yuan

00315.HK │ 6.3RMB

01997.HK │ 40.70 yuan

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