
富途研选 | 黑科技之王谷歌

Futu Research | Google, the king of black technology

富途资讯 ·  Jul 27, 2018 16:09

1. Internet leader, continuous innovation-driven growth

Alphabet Inc-CL C was founded in 1998, focused on the search field in his early years, with the acquisition of YouTube, Android, Motorola Mobility and other new businesses, multi-directional layout of the data industry chain, become the world's largest Internet company with users and traffic. In 2015, the company carried out a two-year restructuring and established AlphabetInc. As the main body of the listing, and then through its XXVIHoldingsInc., holding Alphabet Inc-CL C company; the original science and technology innovation department, is grouped into an independent company OtherBets.


2. Revenue core: based on advertising business, extended to the data industry chain

In 2017, Alphabet Inc-CL C's parent company, Alphabet, had revenue of 110.9 billion US dollars (the same below) and a net profit of 12.7 billion. Among them, advertising revenue is 95.4 billion (+ 21%), accounting for 87%; other businesses are growing rapidly, including the upper and lower reaches of the data industry chain, such as application stores, smart hardware, cloud platforms, etc., with revenue of 14.3 billion (+ 42%). OtherBets, a subsidiary of the innovative technology business, covers areas such as self-driving, healthcare and venture capital, with revenues of 1.2 billion (+ 49 per cent) in the same period and a pre-tax loss of 570 million because it is still in the R & D investment stage.



3. Advertising leader: users and traffic rank first in the world, and advertising is the main channel for realization.

Statista estimates that the global digital advertising market was nearly 300 billion in 2017, with 40 per cent coming from search portals. Alphabet Inc-CL C has more than 80% share in the search field, while its map, mail, video and other services leading industries, is the world's highest traffic entrance, and effectively realized 33% of the digital advertising market share. On the other hand, in the social field with the fastest growth of advertising, Alphabet Inc-CL C lags behind giants such as Facebook Inc, WhatsApp and Tencent, the overall share growth is not easy, and the ecosystem has to rely on other businesses to continue to expand.




4. Artificial intelligence: "AI First" is the company's strategy to enhance the competitive advantage of existing business.

Alphabet Inc-CL C has acquired more than 18 AI-related companies since 2010, in-depth applications in search, cloud services, autopilot, voice assistant and other product lines. OtherBets's DeepMind and other AI businesses have also launched open source machine learning system TensorFlow, dedicated chip TPU, AutoMLVision and other products, the combination of software and hardware to establish the relevant ecology. Alphabet Inc-CL C's R & D expenditure has increased from 7.1 billion in 2013 to 16.6 billion in 2017. He has invested heavily in AI and is also the largest employer of AI. Based on the complete user scenario and data entry, he will give full play to the competitive advantages of training and application.


5. Ecological extension: layout of operating systems, migration from the Internet to the Internet of things

Alphabet Inc-CL C established the leading position of the mobile Internet with Android. The ecosystem with the operating system as the core is expected to be replicated to the field of the Internet of things. AndroidWear, AndroidThings, AndroidAuto and other systems have been launched. The market share of its intelligent speakers is approaching the leader Amazon.Com Inc in 2017; the test fleet of self-driving Waymo actually drives tens of millions of kilometers, ranking first in the mileage industry; at the same time, it has also invested heavily in medical care, smart cities and augmented reality, laying out the ecosystem of the Internet of things era.


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