

Strength Construction (00519) sold a total of 5.038 million Hongyang Real Estate (01996) shares.

Zhitong Finance ·  Apr 6, 2022 21:06

Zhitong Financial APP News, strength Construction (00519) issued an announcement that from August 9, 2021 to March 31, 2022, Longbei, the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, carried out previous sales through a series of floor transactions, selling a total of 4.89 million Hongyang Real Estate (01996) shares at prices ranging from HK $2.01 to HK $2.74 per Hongyang Real Estate share. The total proceeds from the sale amount to about HK $12.498 million (excluding transaction costs).

On the same day after the previous sale was completed on March 31, 2022, Longbei further instructed its broker to carry out the sale. The sale was completed on April 6, 2022 and 148000 Hongyang shares were sold through a series of floor transactions at prices ranging from HK $2.60 to HK $2.83 per share. The total proceeds from the sale amount to approximately HK $398000 (excluding transaction costs).

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