
鸿承环保科技(02265.HK)年度经调整纯利增加29%至9980万元 末期息0.0189港元

Hongcheng Environmental Technology (02265.HK) annual adjusted net profit increased 29% to $99.8 million with final interest of HK$0.0189

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 31, 2022 22:13

Gelonghui March 31st 丨Hongcheng Environmental Technology (02265.HK) announced that for the year ending December 31, 2021, the Group's total revenue was approximately RMB 257 million, an increase of about 25.1% over the previous year; gross profit was approximately RMB 166.6 million, an increase of about 34.5% over the previous year; net profit was approximately RMB 85.6 million, an increase of about 17.4% over the previous year; after excluding the impact of non-recurring listing expenses, adjusted net profit for the year was approximately RMB 99.8 million, an increase of about 29.0% over last year; the basic profit per share was approximately RMB 0.11, with a final dividend to be issued HK$0.0189 per share.

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