
大成生化科技(00809.HK)2021年收益7.47亿港元 同比减少12.1%

Dacheng biochemical Technology (00809.HK) 2021 revenue of HK $747 million decreased by 12.1% compared with the same period last year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 31, 2022 20:44

Gelonghui 31 March, Dacheng biochemical Technology (00809.HK) announcementUnaudited full-year results for the year ended December 31, 2021, the company realized income of HK $747 million, down 12.1% from the same period last year; the company's owner's share of the loss was HK $400m; the basic loss per share was HK4.50 cents.

During the year, due to the continuing impact of COVID-19 's outbreak and the tight operating cash flow caused by the long-term challenging operating environment, the Group continued to suspend operation of most of its production facilities. The suspension of operations and the consumption of most of the inventory in the previous year led to a decline in sales.

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