
雅高控股(03313)发布2021年业绩,净亏损4.18亿元 同比增81%

Accor Holdings (03313) released its 2021 results, with a net loss of 418 million yuan, an 81% increase over the same period last year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 31, 2022 18:46

Zhitong Financial App News, Accor Holdings (03313) issued an unaudited annual results announcement for 2021, the company achieved an income of 88 million yuan, an increase of 19.1% over the same period last year, a net loss of about 418 million yuan, an increase of 81% over the same period last year, and a basic and diluted loss per share of 9.8%.

According to the announcement, the increase in net loss was mainly due to a net loss of about RMB 3.7 million on the controlling equity of the group's investment properties, an increase of about RMB 6.6 million in administrative expenses and an increase of approximately RMB 277 million in share of the loss of the associated company.

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