
恒盛地产(00845)发布2021年业绩,股东应占亏损40.86亿元 同比盈转亏

Hengsheng Real Estate (00845) released its 2021 results, with a loss of 4.086 billion yuan attributable to shareholders compared with the same period last year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 30, 2022 23:00

Zitong Financial App News, Hengsheng Real Estate (00845) released 2021 results, sales revenue was 3.318 billion yuan, up 18.2% year-on-year; the company owner should have a loss of 4.086 billion yuan, while the company owner should have a profit of 81 million yuan in the same period last year; loss per share is 0.52 yuan.

According to the announcement, the loss attributable to company owners in 2021 was due to significant gross losses made by the Group during the year, at the same time, there continued to be significant financial costs during the year that could not be capitalized and were directly included in current expenses and fair value losses on the Group's investment properties in 2021.

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