

The annual loss attributable to equity shareholders of China 00974.HK is HK $38.045 million.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 30, 2022 22:19

On March 30th, China Shun Kelong (00974.HK) issued an annual performance announcement, with an income of 741.6 million yuan in 2021, down 16.6 percent from the same period last year. The company's equity shareholders accounted for a loss of 38.045 million Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 130.6 percent over the same period last year, and a basic loss of 0.13 yuan per share. The decrease in revenue was mainly due to the decrease in wholesale distribution turnover due to the epidemic of COVID-19, and the decline in retail sales in supermarkets due to the impact of online e-commerce.

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