

Read BC Technology Group's (00863.HK) 2021 full-year results and large-scale global expansion of digital asset platforms

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 29, 2022 22:52

On March 29, BC Technology Group (00863.HK) announced its results for the year ended December 31, 2021. During the reporting period, the Group recorded total revenue and revenue of HK$352 million, an increase of about 44.4% or HK$183 million over HK$243 million in fiscal year 2020. This was driven by increased transaction revenue from OSL's digital asset and blockchain platform business.In 2021,OSLDigital asset platform revenue increased 63% year over year to HK$278 million; OSL digital asset platform trading volume increased 73% year over year to HK$306 billion.

Let's take a look at a picture below to understandBC Technology Group's full-year results for 2021.

WeChat account”BC Technology Group”

Original title: Reading BC Technology Group's 2021 full-year performance in one picture, large-scale global expansion of digital asset platforms

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