
王朝酒业(00828)发布2021年业绩,股东应占溢利3281.1万港元 同比减少71.81%

Dynasty Wine Industry (00828) released its 2021 results, and the profit attributable to shareholders decreased by 71.81% by HK $32.811 million compared with the same period last year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 29, 2022 22:26

Zhitong Financial APP News, Dynasty Wine Industry (00828) announced its annual results for the year ended December 31, 2011. the group received HK $306 million in revenue from customer contracts, an increase of 28.19% over the same period last year. The profit attributable to the owners of the company was HK $32.811 million, down 71.81% from the same period last year; profit per share was HK2.63 cents.

The announcement said that the decrease in profit was mainly due to the recognition of the proceeds from the sale of the wine castle and related facilities completed in January 2020 (excluding land value-added tax) of about HK $183.7 million. Excluding non-recurrent gains from the sale and non-recurrent compensation paid to employees as a result of the implementation of the employee reform programme in 2020, the adjusted consolidated loss for the year ended 31 December 2020 was approximately HK $41.3 million. The Group turned a profit from an adjusted consolidated loss and made a comprehensive profit for the year, benefiting from increased sales of medium and high-end wine products and improved gross profit margin.

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