

BoCom International (03329) released its 2021 results, with a profit attributable to shareholders of HK $262 million, down 68.9% from the same period last year. ·  Mar 23, 2022 19:56

Zhitong Financial APP News, BoCom International (03329) announced its results for the year ended December 31, 2021, with earnings of HK $1.514 billion, down 27% from the same period last year; profit attributable to shareholders was HK $262 million, down 68.9% from the same period last year; and basic profit per share was HK $0.10, with a proposed final dividend of HK $0.050 per share.

In 2021, brokerage commission and fee income was HK $177.3 million, down 2.0 per cent from the same period last year. Income from commissions and fees for corporate financing and underwriting services was HK $127.2 million, down 2.4 per cent from a year earlier.

Diversified products are the cornerstone of the company's asset management business. As at December 31, 2021, the total size of the company's assets under management was about HK $32.823 billion, an increase of 18.5% from HK $27.6878 billion on December 31, 2020. In 2021, income from asset management and consultancy fees decreased by 51.0% to HK $50 million. The proprietary trading loss of HK $140 million is related to the Group's guarantee of returns on certain asset management arrangements under its management.

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